Information about U.S. kubb tournaments in February 2025.
On: Everything
Today’s Skill Builder Wednesday focuses on baton throws from an advantage line and precision blasting shots.
The seventh annual Kubbing to Kick Cancer tournament returns to Kasson, Minnesota on Saturday, June 8, 2019.
Today’s Skill Builder Wednesday is focused on baton efficiency.
The inaugural Michigan Kubb Championship will be held on June 22 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Skill Builder Wednesday week six features the Painted Squares Challenge, the 8 Meter Sniper Contest, and the Kast and Blast Contest.
This week, Kubb Match Monday re-visits the 2014 World Kubb Championship finals match.
Learn to Play Kubb
A look at the opening king toss, or lag, used to start a kubb game.
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