Information about U.S. kubb tournaments in February 2025.
On: Everything
The Dubbeglaschampionship is a 1v1 tournament held the night before the Pfälzer Kubb Open in Schindhard, Germany.
The seventh annual Madison Kubb Tournament will take place Saturday, June 2, 2018 in Madison, Wisconsin.
Kubb On co-founders Bryan Jones, Christopher Jones, and Kyle Weakland will be making the trip to Europe for the 3 Nation Cup to compete in Germany, Belgium, and Swtizerland.
The Queen City Kubb Spring Fling took place in Huntersville, North Carolina May 5, 2018.
The third annual Kubb Krawl took place across Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota Saturday, May 5, 2018.
The ninth annual Screw City Kubb Klassic was held on Saturday, May 5 in Roscoe, Illinois.
Learn to Play Kubb
An in-depth explanation of the major rules that are followed by most kubb tournaments in the United States and a few exceptions.