Do you have a kubb rules question? Are you having trouble finding your situation in the rulebook? Maybe you’re starting to think it’s not even there? Are you not sure who to ask? Why not ask Kubb On’s resident referee, Jesse Fraim? He earned his Kubb United referee certification in 2017 and is one of only a few individuals certified as a head referee. And if he doesn’t know, he has some good friends that can help get you an answer!
You can send your questions by using this online form or by tweeting @kubbonmag on Twitter, but be sure to use the hashtag #AskAKubbRef so that Jesse can find those questions easily.
Feel free to submit the question in writing and/or include pictures or video for the more complicated situations.
Jesse will respond with a Kubb On post in either text or video to help take some of the mystery out of the rules. But keep in mind, some of the rules are… vague. There are many situations that leave questions on how to interpret the rules, which over time, has led to differing rule interpretations from region-to-region and club-to-club.
Jesse will help guide you in those sticky situations, explain the differences, and give his opinions when needed. The hope is to shine a light on the rules and get a positive conversation going around some of the rules and some of the inconsistencies.
Be on the lookout for the first edition of Ask a Kubb Ref with Jesse Fraim very soon!