Today’s Skill Builder Wednesday practices focus on fun game variations. It’s about skill development, but it’s also about changing it up now and then.
Kubbles (Kubb Doubles)
I learned this game from Jesse Fraim of Kalamazoo, Michigan (Kalamazoo Kubb). You use two kubbs on each baseline (spaced evenly). Only two batons are used in the game. It works best one versus one or two versus two. Play kubb like you would normally do. This game encourages tight groupings of kubbs which must be knocked down with one baton in order to win the game (unless the other team is unable to get their two field kubbs down so you just need to get the king down). Even when there is an advantage line, it can be hard to end the game. There can’t be any misses!
Defending Colors
I learned this kubb variation from Mark Wiens of Stillwater, Minnesota. On one baseline the tops of the kubbs are one color and on the opposite baseline the tops are a different color. During the game, the field kubbs have to be raised on that color only, as it was originally positioned on the baseline. There’s only one footprint. If it puts the field kubb out of play, it must be rethrown or it’s a punishment kubb if it has already been rethrown. The challenge for the driller is to place subsequent kubbs in the right spot knowing where the other ones will be raised. In the picture, I painted the tops of my distance play kubbs that I use for live streaming.
Red Rover Kubb
Red Rover Kubb was first played at the Game Day Sport’s bar in Appleton, Wisconsin, during friendlies after the 2019 Cabin Fever Sand tournament in January 2019. Mark Oman developed and directed the friendly impromptu game to get a lot of players who did not know each other to spend time playing as teammates. Teams of three to six players work best for playing Red Rover Kubb. Start it like a normal game of kubb, except when a player misses a shot or an inkast, they must immediately cross the pitch (red rover, red rover, send your kubb player right over!) and join the other team. Everyone on the team must drill and throw batons (roughly) equally. If one side gets down to one player, that person finishes the round normally. However, if they miss a shot, they go to the other team. Whatever batons were left over with no one to throw them are obviously forfeited and the game continues in the current state of the field. Simple, silly, and lots of fun!
Look for more skill builders in my book, “Kubb Remastered,” scheduled for release worldwide on July 4, 2019.