Kubb is game full of unique situations and of course that means there are slang terms to describe most of them. After you’ve mastered the basic lingo, you’ll want to learn these words too. After all, the next time you drill a sweet Manhattan neighbor on top of your city, you’ll want to brag about it with the proper language.
Based on the density of your drilled kubbs pile, you might end up with a city or a suburb. A city is a tightly grouped pile of kubbs that resembles the close proximity of buildings in an urban area.
A suburb is a loose group that resembles the density of suburban sprawl.

Manhattan Neighbor
A Manhattan Neighbor is a neighbor kubb that lands vertically on top of your pile. It’s named this because the kubb resembles a skyscraper.
When a drilled pile of kubs is stood up in a fashion resembling rows of headstones, it’s called the graveyard (or cemetery).
Sometimes a good looking pile gets set up in a way that sort of resembles a circle. This is often referred to as Stonehenge.
The situation where a kubb is inkast right in the corner, but neither footprint can be raised in-bounds is called a kubbadox. The West Coast call this the driller’s lament. Either way, it’s a re-throw.
A/the Clap happens when a kubb hits another and bounces away (often in a terrible direction, and often making a loud sound) while you’re drilling.
Field Kubbs
Field kubbs, usually around 4 or 5 meters are commonly referred to as shorts.
Dead Wood

Any game pieces (batons or kubbs) that have already been thrown or knocked down, but still in the field of play is referred to as dead wood (or trash). Dead wood can be sometimes be useful but also sometimes detrimental to clearing the rest of the kubbs. It also can’t be removed until the turn is over.
Any field kubbs left at the end of a turn become the next team’s advantage line. This line is often called a porch. A variation would be a short porch, which just means it is especially close to the center line.
Field goal
When you throw straight between two kubbs, often in the narrowest space possible, it’s called a field goal. This is in reference to kicking the ball between the upright posts in football.

The line or space between two groups of kubbs (that you’ll inevitably throw right through) is an alley.
Hitting the top of the kubb without it falling over is called a knockerhead.
A runaway baton that knocks over unlikely kubbs is a squirrel.
Grandma’s Teeth
After being stood up, your drilled kubbs might resemble a gap-filled row of teeth, lovingly referred to as grandma’s teeth.
Sometimes a closely drilled pile of kubbs are stood up to resemble a fence or wall, that sits horizontal to the thrower.

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