Ravenna, OH

2017 — Sept. 23
- Jiffy Kubbstaches (Bob Hickes, Bryan Jones)
- Kubb Squirrels (Kyle Weakland, Paul Weakland)
- Kubb*ert (Alyssa Weakland, Neil Weakland)
Consolation Winner: Kubb Scouts (Greg Weakland, Maria Weakland)
2016 — Oct. 1
- Settlers of Baton (Jesse Fraim, Tyler Wood)
- Rhymes with Tube (Dave Giese, Heidi Schwarzenbart)
- Kubbstaches (Kevin Bachman, Bob Hickes, Jake Leavitt)
2015 — Oct. 3
- Kubbstaches (Bob Hickes, Jake Leavitt)
- Kung Mördare (Ryan Adler, Kyle Weakland)
- Test Kubb Babies (Lloyd Alger, Paul Weakland)