If you’re not familiar with Stu Gander and Sven Hickes, they are the commentators on the coverage of the Atlantic Kubb Tour which can be watched on Raleigh Kubb’s YouTube channel. Stu and Sven came to this country billed as the Madden and Summerall of kubb commentating. Their stated goal has been to make it into the definition section of a Phil Dickinson kubb book. As such, they throw a lot of phrases against the wall and hope that some will stick. This is definitely a quantity over quality operation. To bring you up to speed on the lingo that has evolved over the past two years and 50 plus hours of kubb content, we’ve put together a quick guide for you.
Andy Dufresne
A penalty kubb. Some people call these punishment kubbs. That sounds dark and prisony to Sven and Stu, thus Andy Dufresne. Get busy kubbin’, or get busy dyin’.
Example: “Oh boy, we’ve got an Andy Dufresne on the pitch.”
Basket of Peaches
A nice pile when drilling. If one throws a good kubb, you say “what a peach of a throw,” thus, a bunch of peaches would make a basket.
Example: “He’s just piling them in there one after the other. That’s a basket of peaches, my friend.”
Chicken Dinner
When a field kubb, an 8 meter, and the king are hit in a row to win a game.
Example: “He just knocked down the field kubb and a baseline in a row, if he downs the king, that’s winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Dan Corey
When an extra kubb or baton ends up on the pitch
Example: “A baton came in from another match. They’ll get that Dan Corey picked up and sent to the other pitch.”
Disco Wind
When the wind in a match is on-and-off, on-and-off, on-and-off, like the lights in a disco.
Example: “Eights are going to be some tough sleddin’ today due to this disco wind.”
Eighth Grade Dance
What occurs when a lot of kubbs are being kissed (touched, but not toppled).
Example: “That’s the third kiss of this match. Eighth grade dance, bunch of smoochie smoochie going on.”
When players, who usually play on separate teams, combine to form a new team. Players will often combine the names of the two teams they usually play for to make you call them the wrong name as many times as possible.
Example: “Kyle from the Kubb Squirrels and Jake from the Kubbstaches are teaming up today as a Frankenteam. They’re going by the Kubb Staches, I mean the Squirrel Staches.”
Good Sportsmanship
When the kubb raises itself during a drill.
Example: “Ah, stood that one up on the drill. Good sportsmanship right there. As always, a gentlemen’s game.”
Johnny Kubbleseed
The act of “planting” a field kubb quite forcibly when raising it.
Example: “He’s really going full Johnny Kubbleseed on that field kubb.”
K Score (K%)
The average of a player’s or team’s 8 meter percentile (not percentage) and their kubbs per baton percentile when blasting.
Example: “They had a great match, throwing at 83% on the K score.”
When one player throws three batons at the baseline and hits two 8 meter kubbs, because Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad. Note: if a single player throws four batons, this does not qualify as a Meatloaf.
Example: “He had three in hand and hit one of his first two. And…ohhhhhhhh that’s some nasty Meatloaf!”

Nasty Blasty
A great blast. So good it’s nasty.
Example: “Cleared five with one, that’s just a nasty blasty.”
When three or more players from one team all hit an 8 meter shot in one turn. You get an 8, and you get an 8, you all get an 8!
Note: This is a theoretical term, it has yet to actually be found in our video coverage. You could be the first to claim an Oprah!
Example: There are no examples.This has never happened in covered play.
Pressure Clear
When you are down to your last baton and still have field kubbs remaining.
Example: “One field kubb left with one baton in hand, pressure clear right here.”
Super Turkey
When one player throws four batons and hits four baseline kubbs.
Example: “Three in a row with one in hand, and… IT’S A SUPER TURKEY!!!”
When your baton takes out the last field kubb(s) and then takes out a baseline kubb. The baton’s behavior is erratic, like a squirrel.
Example: “Good clear, and he picks up the baseline too with the squirrel!”

When one team hits two out of three baselines. This can be between multiple players, it just has to be two baselines out of three throws.
Sven: “Well they picked up one two turns ago, then missed the last one, so if they pick the next one up it’s a Svenloaf”
Stu: “I don’t pay attention to Svenloafs, too complicated.”
Same idea as the Svenloaf, but three baselines in three batons across players on a team.
Sven: “They picked up two with their first two throws, if they get the next one, that’s a Sverky.”
Stu: “I don’t pay attention to Sverkys, too complicated.”
Svuper Sverky
When four baselines are hit in a row in a turn. This can also be multiple players on the team.
Example: “Four for four, we’ve got a svuper sverky!
Sven and Stu appreciate all views, likes, and subscriptions to their YouTube page, so please keep them going!
When the last field kubb tumbles and takes out a baseline kubb.
Example: “Solid connection with that last kubb, which then takes out a baseline for a runner!”
When one player throws three batons and hits three baseline kubbs.
Ex: “As The Count would say: ‘One, two, thrrreeeeee’, that’s a turkey my friend.”
Turkey Leg
When one player throws two batons and hits two baseline kubbs. Not quite a full turkey.
Example: “Two for two, that’s a turkey leg my friend.”
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