STOUGHTON, Wisc. — Temperatures soared and the sun was blazing on Saturday at the 2019 Stoughton Kubb Invitational. Lucky for the 27 teams competing, the forecasted afternoon storms held off all day, providing dry playing conditions.
After eight rounds of qualifying play, the top eight teams were set for the championship bracket. Many veteran teams were part of the battle toward the top four.
In the semi-finals, Eau Calire’s Flux Capacitors (Nick Brill, Joe Dekan) faced off against their hometown rivals Brianasaurus (Brian Winistorfer, Brian Evans), but after a hard fought battle, Flux Capacitors came out victorious. On pitch two, Furor Celtica (Evan Fitzgerald, Dave Giese) played against Stoughton hometown heroes Ragnarok (Jens Arneson, Lars Arneson). Ragnarok fell a few batons short in a heart-breaking game three loss.
In the finals, Furor Celtica took a commanding early lead over Flux Capacitors which was quickly answered with a lead-stealing turn by Flux. After a few turns of back and forth, Flux ultimately won game one. Furor Celtica battled hard to tie the match and win game two. In an exciting game three, both teams brought their best inkasting of the day. Furor Celtica took one final turn on which they blasted eight kubbs with only two batons and slayed the king with baton three to win the match and take the first-place title of champions.
In the third place match, Ragnarok was able to withstand Brianasaurus with a powerful king kill by Lars Arneson after a beautifully executed 10 kubb blast that only took two batons by teammate Jens Arneson.

Final Results
- Furor Celtica (Evan Fitzgerald, Dave Giese)
- Flux Capacitors (Nick Brill, Joe Dekan)
- Ragnarok (Jens Arneson, Lars Arneson)